
Tips to Design Creative Banner Ads for More Clicks

Are you looking for ways to boost your online traffic? If Yes? Then you should learn more about creative banner ads. Online banner advertisements are one of the most prolific forms of marketing on social media platforms that let you achieve the desired results. The web banner ad design focuses on the systematic creation of effective banner advertisements if you follow the basic design guidelines.

The leading experts of creative online banner advertising in Dubai excel in crafting explicit banner ad designs for their customers. They are used by most of the companies, as they are an affordable, measurable and effective way for getting more clicks. Here are some tips to design creative banner advertisements which could boost your online traffic.

Opt for the standard banner size

Deciding the size of your banner is the most crucial thing and it needs to be decided first. The most successful standard banner sizes are as follows.

  • Leaderboard
  • Half-page
  • Medium rectangle
  • Large rectangle

Maintain hierarchy

To design a banner ad you have to maintain the hierarchy. A designer should be able to distinguish what needs to come first and what needs to come at the end. Right balance keeping in mind all the elements of design should be the priority. Effective banner advertisements are designed to elevate brand awareness and drive the relevant traffic to your website. The banner ads have three basic components.

  • Company Logo

Your company logo is a must. It needs to be included in your banner advertisements to build brand awareness. Make sure your company logo is visually dominant but lesser than value proposition and CTA.

  • The Value Proposition

The value proposition is a creative way to grab the viewer’s attention. It showcases the service you provide to the customers with attractive offers and prices. Such as, “order now” and so on. The value proposition should be written in bold and bigger lettering to attract maximum viewer’s attention.

  • Call To Action

Call to action button is a must to add. It invites users to click immediately and take action. Phrases like, “Get Started” or “Register now” are some of the examples of CTA. Make sure your call to action is clear and the focal point of the whole banner advertisement.

Simplicity is the key

The best way to engage more viewers to your ad is to make it visually simple. Keep limited content and focus on the quote “less is more”. Viewers do not have enough time to get puzzled in your banner, they should be able to find out everything at one glance.

Use animation

It is a fact that viewer’s find animated web banner ads more pleasing than static banner ads. If you want to create an effective banner ad then you should definitely use animation in it. While creating an animated banner ad, make sure the animation does not distract the viewers from the message you are trying to give.

However, simple animations with less than ten seconds can make your banner advertisement visually attractive.

Maintain brand consistency

One thing you should always remember while creating a banner ad is that it will directly link the viewers to a landing page. Make sure, all the advertisement elements match perfectly with your landing page. Do not confuse the viewers with a different set of color schemes and designs. Consistency is the key to boost your sales effectively.

Use correct file formats

A designer uses Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to design the advertisements. PG, PNG, GIF or HTML5 files will be working for your deliverables in this regard. Flash ads are not used much so always opt for the above-mentioned file formats when designing an online banner advertisement.

You are finally there!

The above-mentioned tips can effectively let a designer create something out of the box. These are just a few banner ad design tips which everyone can incorporate to produce something great. All you have to consider is to hire a talented and creative designer who has the skills to grab the viewer’s attention at one glance on the banner ads.


Salina is a professional blogger and marketer. She has an excellent talent for writing. She is very much passionate about contributing her ideas on online platforms. Generally, she shared her thoughts on trendy topics such as health, beauty, travel, food, fashion, technology, business, finance, and so on.

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