What Soundproof Technology Used In Movie Theater

Watching a movie in a theater with a Digital Dolby surround system is a great experience. The sound system plays a significant role in making your experience joyful while watching a movie. But have you ever thought that why the sound of a movie does not go out of the auditorium?
Even if the sound is louder, you cannot hear the sound by standing outside the movie theater. The sound of movie stays inside and absorbed by the materials used in the walls and ceiling of the auditorium. Let us know more about the soundproofing technology used in movie theaters.
There are three essential elements of soundproofing in movie theaters or any other closed space.
Absorption consists of the ways to damper the sounds in any environment. Auditorium and theater designers use sound-absorbing materials in the theaters for the absorption of sound that also prevent it from passing through the walls.
Reflection is the bouncing back of the sounds from the surfaces that are not absorbed by the materials used in walls, and ceiling of auditoriums. The sounds that escape from absorption are reflected back into the theater to prevent them from traveling outside. Movie theater designers aim to minimize the reflection of sound as much as possible.
The diffusion of sound is one of the essential aspects of listening experience in theaters and auditoriums. It means that the high and low-frequency sounds travel evenly through the space inside a theater. In the case of auditoriums and movie theaters, diffusion can help the sound travel consistently throughout the space.
Room within Room
Most movie theaters have a room within a room design. You might have seen that the walls of movie theaters are very thick. It is because these auditoriums are like a separate room within another room. Such a design helps in reducing the transference of sound from the walls to outside the theater.
Walls with sound baffles
The walls of a movie theater are equipped with sound baffles that bounce back the sound into the theater. They prevent the sound from penetrating or passing through the walls. They keep the music of the movie inside the auditorium and also help in creating a surround effect.
Soundproofing drywall
Movie theater designers use soundproofing drywalls that consists of five layers. Each side wall has a durable paper that is abrasion-resistant and another layer of viscoelastic polymer material. They have a dry soundproofing material inside them. These materials are fitted on the wall in a way to prevent the penetration of sound in the drywall sheet and to deaden the same.
Soundproofing insulation
Insulation products are generally used to stop the transference of heat. However, some materials prevent the transference of sound across the environments. There are many types of insulation materials used in theaters to avoid the transfer and deadening of sound. Here are some of them.
Acoustical panels
Acoustical panels are soft materials like foam, and they absorb the sounds inside a theater. Some sounds may pass through these materials that reflect at other parts of the panel. The acoustic panels capture and absorb the sound and prevent it from escaping the auditorium.
Drapes and Curtains
Many theaters use thick drapes and curtains that serve as an old-style of soundproof systems. The thick curtains are made of sound-absorbing fabric that also adds an aesthetic touch to the theater or any room where you use them.
Flooring and Ceiling
Most heaters use soundproofing materials on their floors and ceilings. The carpets you see in movie theaters are made of soundproof material that offers excellent sound absorption. Theater designers use acoustical panels and soundproofing baffles in ceilings that prevent the sound from passing through the roof. All these materials help manage the sound in theatres.
Final words
These are the technologies used in movie theaters to create a great listening experience for people. However, many other factors are also important, such as the quality of sound systems, acoustic, and sound-absorbing materials. You can use the sound-absorbing materials in your home if you use a home theater system for watching movies. Moreover, the soundproof items like solid doors and noise proof windows Melbourne prevent the external noises from entering your house. Home acoustic professionals can help you to soundproof your living room to create an excellent home theater auditorium in your home.